I usually post more put together, fancy schmancy outfits and the orchestrated flat lays of food and product but this time I’m going to get real. Realest of the real. What I wear on my casual days. So I get asked this a lot from those who aren’t parents yet.

casual outfit

What I Wear on my Casual Days – Comfort is Everything! [STYLE]

“What’s it like? What’s it like to be a mom?”
That’s a heavy question, because, I mean… where do I start? So according to how my day is going, I give an answer based on the first word that comes to my mind. It could be anywhere from the spectrum of “Help me!” to “it’s a huge blessing.” Nonetheless, it is a crazy schedule that never ends. When I’m not going to events, parties and I’m just staying home or doing the usual running errands in the neighborhood. I have my go-to cozy outfits. Which this may sound slob-ish. But on days where the only thing I’m doing is pick-up and drop-off my son at daycare, then I leave it nearby the door where I can quickly change in and out. Because if you know me, I’ll be in Pajamas or “house clothes” all day.
So what is my definition of a cozy outfit? Well because it’s colder nowadays, it must have full sleeves. And the bottom must be either leggings or sweatpants.
I always carry around a casual light tote bag. The keyword here is light. If I’m carrying the car seat or moving a stroller I don’t want to worry about a heavy purse or bag.
sophie charlotte tote bag
I got this one on our trip to Rome. It’s actually a Roma designer, which means you’ll have to purchase it via online or when you go to Europe next. Sorry about that. Sophie Charlotte.
This top is the epitome of cozy. Long sleeves, simple grey tone, and the quality, perfect. I love the size because it fits a little bigger than my other shirts but I’ve been totally into the whole oversized look these days. Side note, my husband said it reminded him of star trek and he loves it!
It’s from Tobi. Check out their site here.
I have three pairs of these casual jogger pants because I love them so much. Especially in the summertime. But I still wear them in the winter if I’m not spending long hours outside. They’re made from a super light cotton fabric and to be honest the grey one is the best. I’ve washed it a million times and it still looks good. But the black one, after the first wash, got those round lint bumps all over it. But no big deal. They’re super cheap! From Wal-mart for $10-13 each.
It has a drawstring waist and the bottoms are cinched at the Ankles. Perfect for wearing with high boots in the winter or even sneakers.
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